Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tami's Prompts #1 Birthmark

He groaned, as he tried to focus on the flashing words at the front of his vision. His head ached from the last time and only now his right hand refused to lift to rub at the brown smudge and ease the pain away. It refused to move at all, felt cold when it should have felt wet. If he had a lower body still he did not know and he sucked air in through his throat, a series of short gurgling breaths that felt like cheating when untasted by his tongue. Casey’s stomach felt full and thick and the stench of iron made him gag.
The words flashed again, mocking him, reminding him of his defeat. Casey closed his [1]zeyes and stopped forcing himself to breathe. He allowed himself to die.
Light flashed and his body hummed. Nerves lit up and down his spine vibrating as the muscles remembered what it feels like to move. Casey sat up in his bed and threw back the covers. In front of his bathroom mirror he caught up with this new life. The smudge on his forehead had left him, a brutal reminder of what a head wound felt like from two lives before. Now a darker, more jagged more stained the skin of his throat. Casey shrugged and dressed. Still so much to do before he could advance and this time he knew he would make it.

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