Friday, September 23, 2011

Avendeo (Tentative Welcome Speech P. 1)

A few words, if I may, about Avendeo. This is not your crack dealer's prison. Solitary confinement is not a punishment, it is a requirement. There is no such thing as protective custody or parole. We don't have 23hr lockdown because these shitbags never see the light of day. We house convicts. Don't let any of these guys fool you, they deserve to be here.
None of these guys are new to prison. They are old-timers, every last one of them and they sure as hell know they signed up for the long haul.
At Avendeo there are no suicide watches because we don't care if they live or die. The ACLU and ACA accreditation are meaningless here. If you worked at another prison before this get all of that out of your head. These guys don't have human rights, they don't officially exist. All that red tape and bull shit doesn't apply.
We believe in hand grenades over hand cuffs not hugs. Feelings, fears--all of that gets left outside the door. Your god gets left at the door. There is no room for religion in this place. Don't like it? Don't stay.
There has been a saying tossed around in our line of work for years now, "Abandon all hope, for your gods have abandoned you." We take that to heart here at Avendeo, and we add a little piece of our own: We are the gods now.
You are these convicts gods and you better control these shitbags lives because they will control you. Given the chance they will kill you, so kill them first.
Don't get all up in their emotions asking about their day and sneaking letters out to their mom. Their mom thinks that they are dead. It is better that way.
You are soldiers, not weak little civilians, it will do you well to remember that.